Sandra Schultze

Yoga Teacher

There is something like a simple, comforting daily promise about the practice of yoga, it feels like coming home to yourself, hence opening to the others.

Invited to yoga by a soulmate, Sandra realised how the experience of yoga was  changing her life, as subtly, as deeply and decided to take the path of transmitting  this ancient transformative practice.

Under the guidance of Kia Naddermier, she deepened her practice as a student,  became an apprentice and started to teach, adjusting at best her activities of visual  artist and her life as a mom and a nomad.

Certified as a Yoga Siromani at Meenakshi Sivananda Yoga School in South India  she also took Lizzie Lasater’s Restorative yoga training.

Co-founder with Yotam Agam of DoGood, a pluridisciplinary entity creating image,  sound, and events, she participates regularly in retreats and yoga festivals in India,  Israel and China.

Her classes offer moments of meditation, dynamic hatha variations plunging their  roots in a soft ashtanga, with a very smooth relaxation. Once the sweat has dried,  there will remain softness and ease.